Executive/Individual 1:1 Coaching
Executive/Individual Coaching helps successful people become even more effective. It’s about challenging, supporting and empowering individuals to develop. It’s about working together to identify the goals and the outcomes you want, the actions you need to achieve them, the changes required to support the achievement of your goals and being held accountable for achieving them.
Run as hourly sessions (face to face, phone or skype) over a six month period, you’ll come away with practical solutions including an action plan from each session.
Suitable for business owners, individuals existing managers/leaders and new/emerging leaders in all organisational types.
Business Coach / Advisor
One of the biggest challenges for business owners is having someone to talk to about their business, someone with whom they can brainstorm, download and bounce ideas off. Business owners use their coaching sessions for a number of reasons including:
Having a sounding board – to hear themselves, to verbalise their thoughts, and to be heard;
To be challenged, recognised and informed;
Action Planning – to work through what needs to be completed to achieve your goals;
Accountability – to have someone hold you accountable for what you’ve agreed to do and how you’ve agreed to do it.
Run as hourly sessions (face to face, phone or skype) over a six month period, you’ll come away with practical solutions including an action plan from each session.
Suitable for business owners, existing leaders.
Operational Leadership Coaching
Well-run operations are a critical, and often overlooked source of business success. Ensuring your customer’s experience and your business success means thinking about all of the processes you have in place to design, deliver, manage and measure your product/service and business outcomes.
Designed according to individual business need.
Suitable for leaders/managers in roles requiring an operational focus; business owners.