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Your Next Role

While we often hear about the roles which will be replaced, we don’t necessarily have clarity as to what jobs may be available to us in the future. Even now new roles are appearing that didn’t exist a year ago. So, if we don’t know what jobs will be available how can we prepare to take advantage of these new opportunities?

Networking – the dreaded “N” word.

Industries and businesses can change rapidly and rarely will you have advance warning of direct impacts to your role. Building and developing your professional network is essential to keeping up with these changes and opportunities. For some this comes naturally, for others it’s an acquired skill but it doesn’t mean simply turning up to different functions and handing out business cards when you’re looking for your next role. Each of your network has connections to other networks and this can be incredibly valuable in uncovering and creating opportunities. It’s thought that around 60% of all roles are filled from the hidden job market.  You’ll be able to access these more readily with a great network.

LinkedIn is a great, some would say essential tool which allows you to keep in contact with fellow students, colleagues and employers as they move through the job world. Make it part of your routine to engage regularly to get the best benefit.

Continued Development

Whether you’re fortunate enough to work for an organisation which supports ongoing development or not, take responsibility for your own professional development. This can be via short online courses, more detailed, formal courses or by reading about the latest developments in different industries. The key here is to develop your skills and knowledge and keeping you up-to-date with the systems and technologies being used in either your current or future career.

Be curious about new ways of thinking, about new technologies, about new businesses – this type of agility also assists in adapting to the rapid pace of change.

Think About Your Career

When was the last time you took time out to think about your career? Took a strategic view of where you want to be?  A regular review of where you’re at, the skills and experience you need and how you might go about achieving this is a great habit to get into. Combining this with what’s happening in your industry and you can start to plot out what you need for your next role. It also allows you to reflect on your recent achievements and to update your CV with relevant detail which often gets forgotten.

When was the last time you updated your CV?  Regularly updating means you’ll be ready when an opportunity presents itself.

 Be ready for Opportunities

Above all be open to and ready for opportunities. They often appear when you’re least expecting them so make sure you’re ready to make the most of them. You never know where opportunities will take you and what they may lead you to.

It was Colin Powell who said “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation”.

What are doing to prepare yourself for future job opportunities?